Place of Birth : Czech Republic

Jana Sedláčková is a keen author of children’s books and also a PhD student of Education at Masaryk University. For interest’s sake she also graduated from the School of Textile Design and Management in Brno (SPŠ a VOŠ textilní v Brně), which first brought her into contact with B4U Publishing and inspired her to write Fashion Story (2014), a book for all those who wish to know about dress and fashions through history, right up to the present day. At the moment she is most often found at her ancient computer, writing the latest chapter of her thrilling history of warriors. Either that or surrounded by materials for her thesis on children’s reading. You can read her earlier student works – The Fairy Tale as Ritual in Families with Preschool Children (2014) and Working with Fairy Tales at Nursery School (2011), the latter the winner of the G.A. Lindner Prize – on the internet. At university she helps out as an editor of the journal Studia Paedagogica. She sings in the Blahoslav Hajnc Choir, and at Christmas she loves to decorate gingerbread. She is fond of fairy tales, and she’s convinced that people who don’t read them are still looking for the right one!

1 commentaire

The Secret Life of the Forest – Graines d'histoires · 9 août 2024 à 13h11

[…] Jana Sedláčková, Ivi Niesner, Klára […]

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